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Sherwood Forest and Nottingham

Hi all!
I'll be traveling throughout Britain Nov-Jan at the end of this year, have a boyhood infatuation with the stories of Robin Hood and am wondering if anyone has any insight into traveling through Sherwood Forest, Nottingham and other close by associated locations. Is there much to see in regards to bringing the stories to life? Is it more hassle than it's worth to get to these locations? Is Sherwood even a forest anymore or more of a public park?

Thanks in advance!

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1575 posts

Sherwood Forest is more like Woods. There are areas that are more wild in the Park Districts. There are many interesting places to visit from the Robin Hood era throughout England. Check the National Trust UK site for interesting itineraries. A lot of the churches and cathedrals are from that time frame...most are free to visit expecting a small donation.

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1379 posts

Well of course he was a Yorkshireman.
Robin of Loxley, a surburb to the north west of Sheffield.Theres a Robin Hood pub in the city and of course the grave of Little John is 10miles away in Hathersage.
Forrest is somewhat misleading, it meant more a hunting apart from going to touch the reputed hiding place, the Major Oak, won't call for a long vist.

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51 posts

Thanks for the replies Kathleen and Richard! York is a city I will be visiting, and I will research the National Trust UK for more info. In your opinion would either of you go out of your way to visit the Major Oak, Loxley, Hathersage, etc.? I understand we each have our own interest level in different topics, but is there actually much to see or is it just the idea of what once was? I know R.S.'s guide book doesn't seem to have anything to say about this topic.

Thanks again!

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51 posts

Thank you for the link, at the very least, it'll have to be one of the older trees in England, I imagine, and that is interesting in itself. Much like visiting the Giant Sequoias here in California I suppose. Do you know if there are hiking paths the like through Sherwood "forest"?

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3696 posts

I have spent time in Nottingham as well as driven all around that area and thoroughly enjoyed it. While I was not on a "Robin Hood" adventure I did go to Sherwood Forest as well as take the drive to Robin Hoods Bay. Enjoyed the whole time I spent there... worth it? for me it was.

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51 posts

I'm going to work in Sherwood and Nottingham to the itinerary. Thanks for the input!

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1022 posts

The path to the Major Oak takes about 40-45 minutes roundtrip through the forest as I recall. The tree is very impressive. It would be worth the trip to see even without the Robin Hood legend. A fence around the oak is meant to prevent visitors from damping the earth over the roots. It isn't possible to touch the tree.

The center of Edwinstowe is a short walk from the visitor center. St. Mary's Church is reputed to be where Robin Hood married Maid Marion. There's an inn with a good pub/restaurant across the street from the church.

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51 posts

Thanks Lee, I'm looking forward to visiting it!