Hello! I am hoping for feedback on my loose itinerary for 2.5 days in London.
Some details about us:
* I will be traveling with a 7 year old that is not interested in art or history but loves all things transportation.
* My travel style - general framework (maybe 1-3 sights a day) and then be flexible to roam the rest of the time. Scheduling our days down to the hour as that isn't practical with my child and stresses me out.
* We will be there half of a Monday and all day Tuesday and Wednesday in July.
* We will be staying in Kensington.
* We will be acclimated to the time zone as London is our last destination on a 4-week trip.
* My child has never been to the UK and it's been about 30 years since I was last there.
* We enjoy food/eating. :)
Sights I had thought of visiting:
- Transportation Museum
- Tower of London
- Tower Bridge
- Millennium Bridge
- London Eye
- Horse Guard
- Changing of the Guard
- Royal Mews
- a Thames cruise
- The Shard (we visited its equivalent in Hong Kong and kiddo loved it)
Too much? Not enough? Did I miss anything? Should I skip any of these? Should I buy advance tickets for any of them?
Thank you in advance for your feedback!