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Seeing Hadrian's Wall From Newcastle

We will be in Newcastle in late July...hoping to see some of Hadrian's (without having a car)...any suggestions about the best part to see & how to see it (tours, public transportation)? Any advice would be greatly appreciated...cheers!

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94 posts

There are various tours as well as the AD122 bus. I'm not really a guided tour person and the AD122 bus schedule wasn't convenient for me, so I ended up taking the train to Bardon Mill and walking from there. It was a lot of walking and I only recommend it for people who are used to hiking and long walks. The best part to see is generally considered to be the section around Housesteads Roman Fort and walking slightly west through Sycamore Gap and over to the Twice Brewed Inn. Not technically part of the wall but try not to miss Vindolanda as well.

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2010 posts

From Haltwhistle, there is a lovely walk up Haltwhistle Burn to the Roman Wall at Cawfield Crags.

Map here. Depending on the size of magnification, the footpath along the burn is either marked as a red dotted line or gree(highest magnification). The side of each square represents Ikm.

From Cawfirelds picnic site follow the footpath round the lake and through a gate to reach the wall and a mile castle. There is a lovely walk east to the next road junction at Shield on the wall. There are 360 views. Return tbe same way.

Use the AD 122 bus to reach places like Housesteads. `