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Sad news... Explosion at concert in England

Another sad news I just learned about...

Apparently there was an explosion at a concert in Manchester, England tonight.
British Police are still investigating but there have been a number of fatalities and injuries.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends of those who were affected by this horrible tragedy...

Posted by
776 posts

Oh god no......what is wrong with people. My thoughts are with the people affected.

Posted by
5330 posts

Watching the news coverage as well. Manchester police have reported 19 confirmed dead, over 50 wounded at last report. They are treating the explosion as a possible terrorism case. This is so very, very sad.

Posted by
199 posts

Oh no! Not again...My prayers to everyone in Manchester. I'm so terribly sorry and deeply saddened to hear this.

Posted by
3428 posts

Heartfelt thoughts and prayers to injured and family and friends of those killed. Supportive and thankful thoughts to first responders.

Posted by
11507 posts

I really hate terrorists , such bloody cowards .

This concert would have attracted a fair amount of young teen girls . The families must be terrified

Posted by
9436 posts

Too many evil people in this world. Cowards, like pat said. Evil cowards.

Profound sympathy and prayers for the families.

Edit: BBC News reporting it was a terrorist attack. 22 dead.

My husband literally yelled from the bedroom since he was watching the news - just as I was booking our hotel in London for June! So scary and so sad! :(

Posted by
32325 posts

I was devastated to hear the news of the Manchester attack, reportely by a suicide bomber. Some of the witnesses reported "nuts & bolts" in the vicinity of the explosion, so that's a good indication of the cause. In addition to being cowards, those who perpetrate these heinous acts are also evil scumbags!

My thoughts and prayers also go to all those affected.

Posted by
703 posts

I don't even know what to say.
I'm leaving for London on Saturday. This is the second attack in two months. I don't believe I would get any of my money back (travel insurance won't cover if there was an incident w/in 90 days prior to the current incident) even if I wanted to cancel.

Just sad.

Posted by
17238 posts

The fact that teenagers and children were targeted is particularly despicable. .

Posted by
21 posts

We are going to be in London 35 days from now. Nothing is going to stop us. Fear is what they want, don't let them win.
My sincere thoughts and prayers for all those who are suffering at this time at the hands of these evil, despicable terrorists.