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Restaurant for large group in Bath

I'm meeting a number of fellow travelers in Bath at the end of April. Numbers are still iffy, but might be around 15-17 people. We are hoping to eat some meals together and could use some suggestions for places. Simple is fine.

Does anybody know places the RS tours use in Bath?

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14218 posts

The restaurants I remember on 2 different RS tours were:

The Hop Pole The Best of England tour had it's welcome meal here. It was too long ago for me to remember anything about it, lol except it was a short walk from the hotel where we were staying.

Woods Restaurant We had a farewell dinner here for the Best of Southern England tour. I think they had an upstairs room where we gathered and ate...foggy on this one too, lol!!

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619 posts

I am not really up to date with Bath restaurants now, but you might like to look at Brown's. They serve all day, so will not be fazed by people wanting an early evening meal, and their menus are fairly wide-ranging, but not so big that you know it has not been bought ready-prepared, I have been to the Bristol branch many times, and also to ne near Victoria Station in London. The website is at

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740 posts

In addition to the Woods, my Best of England group had a dinner at the Salamander.

On my own, I had fish and chips at the Scallop Shell.

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2491 posts

Wow, I did not expect so many replies so fast!
Thank you!
BTW, we are not all American, so early dinners not necessarily required. 😁