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Pubs for solo female travelers

I'll be visiting London in January as a solo traveler. I'd love to find a reasonably quiet pub or two where I can sit in a corner, have a drink and maybe read a book. Does anyone have any suggestions for good places? I'll be staying in Bloomsbury, just up from the British Museum. Thanks!

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2081 posts


This is an OT comment.

i hope you wont be spending all of your time alone reading a book, while an COOL & AWESOME museum is nearby.

happy trails and enjoy London.

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8251 posts

And you forgot: FREE museum.

Believe me, you're not going to have a problem finding the local pub. Your hotel can easily point you to it.

When in London, we often choose to eat in Pubs--a better value than U.S. fast food places.

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33341 posts

It is a bit presumptuous to dictate priorities, especially to someone who is making a return trip.

Absolutely nothing wrong with sitting in a nook with a glass and reading a book. Seems like a lovely get away from the stresses, and a particularly good rendition of Back Door travel,

Sorry, Elizabeth, I don't have a suggestion - Claudia in LA, where are you? - but you should have a fair few from which to choose.

I hope that a few come along before your trip....

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8892 posts

Happy Christmas Nigel. I'm right here in the Land of La as sun sets on a quiet Christmas Eve.

Haven't stayed in the Bloomsbury neighborhood in a long, long while. However, if it's still there you will find The Duke. Hidden away from a main road, it was a quiet and unassuming pub with a small bar. Lots of dark wood and a fire place. If it hasn't been turned into a wine bistro or gastro pub it would be an ideal spot to enjoy a pint and read a book. Only discovered it because of a visit to the Charles Dickens Museum which is about two blocks away. We were staying in a hotel by the Russell Square tube station and if I recall it wasn't a long walk back to the hotel from the pub.

Last trip, 2012 discovered the gorgeous Daniel Gooch on the outskirts of the Bayswater neighborhood. Absolutely lovely place frequented by locals. Two blocks from the Royal Oak Tube station. Might have become my favorite pub in London. I'll let you know when I return to London in the new year.

Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night.

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1175 posts

Last spring we stayed at the DoubleTree by Hilton a block or two east of the British Museum. Two blocks north was the Swan pub, a great place but we opted for the Paramount, 103 New Oxford St., both have websites. The Paramount is a high tower, with bar, and we thoroughly enjoyed the bar after dark from all of London on high. Make reservations for the bar--the resto is too pricey-- and get a small table by the window. Big Ben, London Eye at a distance, the Thames, were just spectacular to gaze at over a drink.... or two. No book needed. Singles most welcome. Send me a PM with any questions.

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1175 posts

Oh and we went to the Paramount an hour before sundown, secured our table for two at the window over London proper, and nursed pricey drinks until well after dark. Bar snacks were free. Sundown in January is early so make allowances for that. Not sure many people know about the Paramount views.

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8 posts

Nigel, this is indeed a return trip (my 4th time in London itself) and you have it exactly- my version of Back Door Travel!

Emma and Claudia, thank you for the excellent suggestions. Those pubs look like just what I'm looking for- a quite place to warm up and relax a bit after my wanderings around the city. In the past I've easily been able to find a good pub to spend time in, but I've always had friends with me. As this is my first time in London by myself I appreciate a little guidance from experts, particularly as I've never stayed in this area of London before. And I'll take any more suggestions that come my way!


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16894 posts

Reading a book in a pub sounds like a good way to rest your feet in the middle of the day. In my limited experience, said reading was usually interrupted by other, chatty pub patrons. At the Guardian newspaper travel site, if you search "London Pubs," you'll get several authoritative-sounding 10-best lists.

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279 posts

When my mom and I were in London two years ago, we stayed at the Morgan Hotel, one block west of the British Museum. Aftee we flew in and checked in, it was after 1:00 pm and we were getting a bit hungry. I wanted to spend just an hour in the museum before we turned in for the day, so when we saw the Museum Tavern right across the street from the museum entrance, we popped in for a late lunch/early dinner. It was quiet, had decent food, a good selection of drinks (I first encountered hard cider there, and was hooked for the rest of the trip!), and we ended up eating there once more in the next three days. Highly recommended!