Was surprised to hear that a pub I'd like to visit is 21 and over past 5 PM (The Ship, an old David Bowie haunt.)
Is that common? I hope not! I will be traveling with 14 year olds. I assume it's not at pub/restaurants.
Was surprised to hear that a pub I'd like to visit is 21 and over past 5 PM (The Ship, an old David Bowie haunt.)
Is that common? I hope not! I will be traveling with 14 year olds. I assume it's not at pub/restaurants.
One with a 21 year old restriction would also probably be trying to avoid the teenage drinking crowd,
Unfortunate though that they don't have a better way of managing that issue. However, they pay the price by getting a number of poor online reviews by people caught out by this policy.
Pubs are as varied as you like. Generally these day, most accept children at any time, but not all. Busy, city-centre and non-food pubs sometimes do not, or only do at lunchtime. There are still some which insist on well-behaved children (something most other customers would agree with). Those that have an over-21 policy tend to be trendy, music or serious drinking pubs. The reason they have it is to try to make sure their customers are over 18.
It's much less of a problem than it was even 20 years ago. If in doubt, ask the bar staff.
Ran into no child policies twice on one trip about 5 years ago, with one well behaved kid in tow.
I was in a few pubs like that- at night you had to be 21+ no exceptions- they politely enforce as they dont want to be shut down- but during the day your fine.
Happy Travels✨💫
I see it quite often in London city center, but you, let alone your kids, would not want to be in one of those pubs when the after-work crowd hits. As you go out from city center, Pubs with age restrictions fade away, or the if they do still have them, the focus is drink, not food, anyway.
Easy to overcome, hit those places earlier in the day. Most of the historic Pubs though will not have an age restriction.