I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to buy a ticket. I went to the seat61 site, and followed his advice to use the TFW site. All seemed to go well, found a train that suited our schedule, answered all the questions, carefully entered CC information, and got a message "Payment Failure. We could not... try again". When I hit the "done" button, the screen dimmed and the "processing" symbol started, but nothing happened for such a long time that I went back to the home page and started over. I did it at least 5-6 times, using different cards, different names (my wife's), and always got the same result. finally gave up. The message gave no details as to the reason for the failed payment. All our cards are good, and I'm very careful to enter things correctly.
Anyone have an idea what's wrong? Or another way to attempt this? I don't want to wait, as I know things get more expensive the closer to time of travel, which is April 7.