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Post cruise flight

We are taking a cruise out of from Southampton port. Ship docks at 6 am. I would be comfortable to say that we would be off the ship by 8AM, 9AM the latest. To fly home to the states, what would you feel is a safe departure time out of Heathrow? I did a search and it looks like its about a 2:30 hour long trip via train (if that seems correct?)

Posted by
23713 posts

Personally I would not do it. Too many variables that you can not control. The risk out weighs the benefits. Stay in London that night and catch the plane the next day. We have done that run and had problems with the train station in London. Got lost trying to finding the Tube.

Run a time line ---- You are off at 9.00 , 30 minutes to the train station, wait for next train ??, Catch 10am train and in London by 12.30. Another hour or more to Heathrow, 1.30pm. Couple of hours for check-in, exit immigration, security so you can get to a gate around 3, 3.30. What if there is a big hang up somewhere and you don't get to the gate till 5.00. Doesn't allow for any restroom breaks, lunch, etc. And, finally, don't know your return flight schedule, but I would guess that most of the flights back to the US will have left by 4 pm or so.

Enjoy a evening in London.

Posted by
4154 posts

You might want to price a tow car to meet you at the dock. On Rome2Rio I see an estimate of $69 for a towncar. Supposedly it takes about 1h10min, traffic dependent. This would cost less than 2 train tickets and get you to the airport faster. You want to be at LHR at least 3+ hours in advance for your flight. So my question to you is how late of departures can you find for your preferred airline/flight home? Map backwards with your time and allow plenty of time in the middle. Also does your cruise company offer an airport transfer?

Posted by
9133 posts

Will you have to go through immigration and customs at the port?

Posted by
457 posts

Agree with Frank ... too many things out of your control that could happen to cause you to miss your flight (with possibly no more until the next day), at which point the real fun begins ... most flights are gone by noon, the latest AA flight is 3:15 which might be okay if there are no snags along the way but I wouldn't take that chance ... if you have the extra day to get home, enjoy the afternoon and evening in London, then catch the tube the next morning to LHR and your flight home.

Posted by
2810 posts

On the cruises I have taken they have told us a "do not book flight time before" I'd suggest looking at their doucments.

We were about 4 hours late docking on a Caribbean cruise a few years ago.

Posted by
12211 posts

Does the cruise line offer a coach service from the port to LHR?

I suspect a car service/taxi would be significantly more than the $69 (GBP?) mentioned earlier. Its a 60-70 mile trip. With the driver having to travel 120-140 miles I suspect the fee would be closer to $300 .

This service ( ) quotes ~$270 ( Oddly they quote the rate in euros)

Where in 'the states' are you headed? As Frank clearly lays out, there are lots of pieces that have to fit to catch a 'last flight of the day', if using trains.

If you can get a 3-4PM flight then the car service cost is off set by what a hotel night would cost . This approach hinges on the boat not being late like one poster experienced.

The quick search I did for trains, looks like the 2.5 hr trip time is a 'best case' scenario, with the majority being 3+ hrs.

I would be unwilling to plan to use rails and try to take a flight that departs before 5PM