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Paddington station to Westminster

What is the travel time from Paddington to Westminster in the tube,

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9382 posts

Agree with Emma.

Have to get there. Wait for the proper train. Travel. Arrive. Mind the Gap and exit. Cross platform. Wait for another train. Repeat and exit at the crowded Westminster Station

So mentally accept 30 minutes and be pleased if the all in travel time is less.

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5499 posts

If you follow the directions inside the main line station of Paddington you go down one step of stairs, up another set of stairs, then down another for the Circle Line. Only the former has an escalator alternative. You can however avoid the first two sets of stairs by exiting the main line station up the ramp, crossing Praed Street and entering the Underground station from street level.

Alternatively take the Bakerloo Line and do the cross platform change to the Jubilee at Baker Street.

All of this advice presumes you are going to Westminster Underground Station; if going somewhere else in the City of Westminster might be done better by different means, such as the 36 bus.

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3158 posts

We always agree with Emma. She is a diamond in the sunshine.

(A more penetrating question would be, have we ever disagreed with Emma?)