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Oyster Card Price Cap ??

Newbie question.

When using Oyster card in London, does the daily price cap (£6.50 Zones 1 & 2) also include trips on buses and Overground? Or, only for Tube rides; with buses, Overground & DLR subtracted by themselves and NOT counted toward the cap??

Would make a difference as to how many £ we'd load on to start. We will be in London a total of 30 days.
Thanks ... leaving for England 3/9


Posted by
16894 posts

All Tube, DLR, London Overground, TfL Rail and National Rail services within Zones 1 & 2 fall under the same cap but River Buses and the Emirates Air Line do not. If you travel into a further zone one day, then a higher daily cap level applies. If you use only bus and tram and no other services on one day within Zones 1 & 2, then the cap is lower at £4.50.

Posted by
5387 posts

Being in London such a long time (30 days) you might want to look into having a travelcard for a month and how it might match up with pure pay as you go.

Posted by
15688 posts

Or at least weekly passes. By the way, when you buy and load the card you can tell the agent the day that you want the week to start.

Posted by
5387 posts

Weekly capping is not available on Oyster though, only contactless.

Posted by
661 posts

Crazy as it seems, Marco is correct, i just checked with TFL.

Posted by
5387 posts

I believe weekly capping will be available with the 'next generation' Oyster card coming out in 2018, which will in effect be more like a pre-paid debit card.

Posted by
54 posts

I've got a few spare cards from friends who just traveled. Can I use the machine to transfer the balance to just one card? Thanks!

Posted by
54 posts

Or maybe to answer my own question, can you get a refund on one card at Heathrow and then top up the other card?

Posted by
5387 posts

can you get a refund on one card at Heathrow and then top up the other card?

Probably simplest to do it this way.

Posted by
4 posts

I'm a bit confused by the capping thing myself and figure some examples would help.

Say you did one tube journey in zone 6 and a bunch within zone 1-2. Would you be capped at £12 or only be capped at £6.60 for the 1-2 zone journeys + the cost of the single zone 6 journey?

Busses are capped at £4.50. So.... that's a another separate cap?

If you then do a lot of 1-2 zone tube rides and a bunch of bus rides in one day will your Oyster card get hit 6.60 + 4.50 = £11.10? Or does it cap at the highest cap, in this case £6.60?

Posted by
33341 posts

The bus cap only applies if you have no tube travel. The zone 1-2 cap only applies if you have no travel beyond zone 2. The highest applicable cap based on your travel is the one applicable. If you want the cheapest cap, only use buses.