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One final night in London...

So...My 15 year old daughter and I are trying to figure out what area of London to stay our final night. We have a flight to catch back to the states the next day at 1pm (Heathrow). Keep in mind by this time we will have already spent an inordinate amount of time in Covent Garden.

Wish List: A fun part of town for an enjoyable evening where the next day we can have easy access to inexpensive transportation to the airport. That's a mouthful.
Crossing my fingers...
Thank you

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6674 posts

If you're traveling light enough, anywhere near a station on the Piccadilly Line should work. Russell Square, Green Park, South Kensington.... Give yourselves an hour or so to get to Heathrow, and plenty of time after that to check in and make the flight.

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36 posts

Thank you Dick. I have stayed in Russell Square before. How is South Kensington or Green Park for fun (i.e. lively at dinner time)?

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3210 posts

Southbank is a great idea! Wander the riverside path and you'll see street performers and lots of places to eat. The cafe at the british film Institute ( BFI) is fun, inexpensive, and has outdoor seating for nice weather.

Premier inn County Hall is just over Westminster bridge from Big Ben. Or try Sanctuary Hotel hotel on the other side ( right near Westminster Abbey and St. James Park).