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One day in York itinerary

We are spending 2 nights in York on our 3 week trip, but will only have 1 day to see the sights since we will arrive in the evening. My plan:
10:15-12:15 free walking tour
12:15-1:15 lunch
1:15- 2:45 York Minster
2:45 - 4:30 Castle Museum.

If time: shopping on Stonegate, The Shambles. Are the stores open in the evening? I know I'm missing a lot, so I want to know if I should substitute something else for the Castle Museum or try to squeeze in something else. I've read that walking the walls is also a great experience. Is the walking tour is worth the 2 hours? Any comments, suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

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1319 posts

I assume you'll be taking in the Minster? One of the few 'must do's. The Rick Steves idea of going to Choral Evensong is a good one. Other than that, walk the walls, while on Stonegate visit - if you can get in - either, The House of Trembling Madness (alcoholic drinks) or, and my personal choice, Little Betty's Tearoom (tea and cakes) - bigger Betty's near Coney Street. Shambles is small and shouldn't detain you more than a half hour. Not sure what the two hour walking tour covers but at that length it should be pretty comprehensive.

Have a great trip!


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57 posts

The Railway Museum is located next to the Railway Station and is free. A highlight is the collection of royal carriages (railway cars).

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1311 posts

Don't miss Walmgate Bar cafe.Its right in the wall,and has a rooftop decking area's also remarkably cheap

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6113 posts

The local shops will close at 5pm. National multiples open until 6/6.30 pm. Trading hours are limited by law on a Sunday to 6 hours opening.

I presume that the walking tour includes the walls? Personally, I find the Rail Museum more interesting than the Castle Museum. It's open until 6pm.

I haven't been on a walking tour in York, but I have been on them in other places and they are generally good. Most guides expect tips, so I haven't been in any free tours that are actually free.

You have a limited time, so something will have to give, as you need two full days here to fully do it justice, especially if you want to go shopping.

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24 posts

Which walking tour are you taking?

We are planning a one-day train trip via Manchester in a few weeks and I was wondering about the tour. Unfortunately, it is on Sunday but that was our only free day.

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342 posts

The walking tour given by the Association of Volunteer Guides is really good and worth your time. The Shambles for shopping is nice, the Minster is beautiful, and you have to find time for tea at Betty's Tea Room. Also, at the suggestion of our B&B hosts, we had a wonderful dinner at Ambiente Tapas Bar.

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7906 posts

We are planning three nights in York this October.

Should we do Castle Howard on our way to Pickering, or next destination, or on the second day?

I see that the Yorkshire Museum is another option, as well as Jorvik Viking Center and York Brewery Honest.