As a preface to this third of four sets, I've already done many abbeys in the UK and elsewhere over many decades and my wife more than some, though the ones below have either never been done (especially by her) or were mostly engaged (speaking for myself) decades ago. We certainly don't intend to prioritize the category by lengthily engaging each of them. Hence we seek to edit especially in this context. Some abbeys, full rich and worthy stops, are more vestige/remains status than others which can be worth a pause without necessitating a large block of time.
Please note: Additionally, we are not disposed to some of the (busier and longer time consuming) traditional attractions/stops within larger towns and have factored this in time considerations. We welcome all considerations inclusive, editing and better alternatives. Please, relative to anything involving replacement, stay within the proximate geographic margins of the days as formulated.
Days 5 & 6 Cornhill onTweed (return/roundtrip) days drive base
Potential Considerations for Itinerary (Scotland West & South) KelsoAbbey(Ruins)/ Smailholm&Tower/HarmonyGrdn/Melrose Abbey (W.S/Priorwood (Nat Trust) Gardens/Abbotsford SirW.Raliegh) ---THE REST BELOW CONSIDERED BASED ON TIME IF ANY: DryburghAbbeyRuins/JedburghAbbey ruins Total distance 60.1. miles 2 hours + estimated drive time
Day 6 Potential Itinerary Inclusions Beadnell/DnstnbrghCstlewalkfrom)Craster/Alnwick+NTcstl+EHGrdn&cstl/Chillingham/Crookham 83.7 miles 21/2 + hours estimated drive time