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New exhibit at Royal Academy

If you’re going to be in London between now and mid October, a new exhibit has just opened at the Royal Academy.

In the Eye of the Storm :
Modernism in Ukraine, 1900–1930s

29 June - 13 October 2024

The Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Galleries | Burlington Gardens

From the RA’s website :

“Marvel at the groundbreaking modernist art made in Ukraine between 1900 and the 1930s.
The modernist movement in Ukraine unfolded against a backdrop of collapsing empires, the First World War, the fight for independence, and the eventual establishment of Soviet Ukraine. Despite such profound upheaval, this became a period of bold artistic experimentation, and true flourishing of art, literature and theatre in Ukraine.
Highlighting the range of artistic styles and cultural identities that existed in Ukraine during this period, this is the most comprehensive UK exhibition to date about modern art in Ukraine. Explore 65 works, from oil paintings and sketches to collage and theatre design. Many are on loan from the National Art Museum of Ukraine and the Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine in Kyiv.”

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Some great names there!
Not 100% sure what Lissitsky has to do with "made in Ukraine" (for Burlyuk at least there's his place of birth) - but seems to be a great retrospective of modernist art.