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Museums of London in R S July News

Rick talks about off season travel in his July News. He has an excellent video feature on Museums of London in his July News.

I have to go back and look at it again but I think he highlights a few museums which includes V & A and The Churchill War Room..

I went back and viewed it again. I can not tell what months it was. The museums were very pleasantly uncrowded but some persons were wearing shorts.

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9406 posts

Countless lesser known and less touristy museums in London. RS mentions very popular ones.

Here are less well known ones you might consider:
Museum of Steam and Water
Leighton House
Dennis Sever
Cartoon Museum
Cinema Museum
Grant Museum of Zoology
Fan Museum
National Maritime Museum

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28845 posts

To which I would add the Design Museum, very near the Leighton House.

Posted by
2444 posts

Thanks all.

I will be making choices.

Since the article had something to do with traveling in London and or Europe in winter or early spring, what is the weather like in London in winter and or early spring. What about the rest of Europe.

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28845 posts

You need to research each place individually, looking at actual, day-by-day data over a period of years. Looking at monthly averages (found in the Wikipedia entries for cities) isn't enough. Averages hide extremes, and it's the extremes that can be uncomfortable. I do find the precipitation data on Wikipedia useful. The temperature averages I use just to compare multiple options to see whether is likely to be better than another.

For actual, historical, day-by-day weather statistics I use

Weather London --January 2023

Use the pull-down box to change the month and year displayed. Use the Search box at the upper right to change the city.

A general comment: The shortest day of the year falls in late December. Weather varies from year to year and from place to place; that (the length of the day) does not (assuming we're speaking about Europe). Even in Rome, and even in February/March, the days were quite short. It bugged me, but lots of folks enjoy major cities all lit up in the winter.

For me, early spring would be vastly better than winter, though still much too early for me to want to be in the northern countries.

Posted by
1337 posts

I think I've been in London in most months. From Chicago, weather always felt similar, but better - if that makes sense.

If planning a trip that involves mostly museums, theater, entertainment, or other indoor spaces, I love winter months not close to any holidays. Sometimes, I run into school groups in the major museums, but they have generally been easy to avoid. I am always initially shocked at the crowd levels when traveling during the more popular spring and fall times - I try very hard to avoid July and August for personal pleasure travel.

I've done day trips to Bletchley, Brighton, Oxford, etc winter off season, also. Again, my preference although I do check for closing dates or shortened hours.