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Museum of Broken Relationships Exhibition at York Castle Museum March 2019 - March 2020

Several of us have found our way to the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb and enjoyed it. I know it sounds silly, but it's very well done. In any case, in researching sightseeing targets for an upcoming visit to York, I stumbled upon an announcement that the York Castle Museum will have an exhibition of some objects from the MoBR, augmented by some local items. The hook is Brexit, which is rather clever.

The exhibition runs for a year, from March 22, 2019, until March 22, 2020.

Here's the announcement. I don't think it does justice to what I saw and enjoyed in Zagreb. Maybe you just have to see the items in person.

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This sounds so enjoyable! I also really liked the museum in Zagreb and highly recommend it to anyone who might find themselves there. Thanks for sharing!