momdal, that place looks really nice! I've bookmarked the website and will check into it. Thank you!
Stuart, rats, I misspelled Harrogate!!! 🤪 I hate it when I spell something wrong - thank you for letting me know. And thank you for the info on York! That's very good to know about the electric buses and the train from Harrogate, but now I'm intrigued by Knaresborough. That sounds like an interesting town and a good place to stay. TBH, the only reason I added Harrogate was because the hotel there housed Agatha Christie when she "ran away." :) But not a good enough reason for a base, lol!
That's a good idea about when to see Haworth also. I have been there before but don't remember much (it was 1996) so I'd like to see it again. And thank you for the warning about Buttertubs Pass (I love that name!). I looked at some photos and it might be possible - I could always check it out and turn around if it looks too terrible. And thank you for all the suggestions about places to visit - definitely all going on my list!
Thanks also for the information about routes from Castleton to Haworth. I do like scenic routes and I won't be in a great hurry, so the southern route sounds very appealing.
wasleys, thanks for updated information on the rope makers, and I will definitely visit Caroline's new business. It sounds very interesting! Yes, I love the James Herriot books and that would be very fun to see the town for that (and I also saw that first series - and have seen the second). :) Kettlewell sounds idea and I do like that it's less touristy. When I first thought of Grassington, I didn't realize it was the site for the second James Herriot series, so I'm sure it attracts a lot of tourists. I will look at pubs with B&Bs! I always enjoy staying in a pub, lol! On my first trip here in 1996, I stayed in a number of them. In fact, one was in this area in a town called Blubberhouses. I loved that name and that's the main reason I stopped there). :)
And thank you for all that incredible information about things and places to see in the area. It sounds like I could easily spend weeks here! I will definitely give this place 8 nights at least, which makes a lot of sense. So with regards to Helmsley or Pickering being farther south than central, is there a better place that would work?
Stuart, I agree wholeheartedly - I love supported both local (and new) businesses, but especially one with a craft that is a lost art.
Carrie, thanks! That's good to know! I need to go back and re-read your trip report!
Stuart, the daffodil walk would be lovely to see! I will check into it when I'm there. Hopefully there is parking nearby if the shuttle bus is not running and I certainly don't mind walking a bit.
TexasTravelmom, right, you certainly ARE no help!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Well, I'm definitely committing to at least 8 nights here and could maybe squeeze in one more. I will get to Yorkshire on April 10, and don't fly out of London till the 25th (I would want to be back by the 23rd at the latest). So many decisions...
wasleys, I'm just going to have to come back! 🤣
Golden Girl, Masham sounds nice. And I do like beer!
Me too!!!! Maybe Mardee can rent a van and pick 10 forum members to come along.
Carrie, I would love that as long as someone else promises to drive that van on those narrow roads, lol!!!!
So now I'm wondering if it would be better just to have one base? Or should I go for two? It seems like I can get to most places pretty easily either with a car or using the train.