Hello from my little hotel room In southwest London as I start my isolation until my test result is in.. am so happy to be here.
BTW I'm seeing everyone wearing masks, airport, tube, bus, on the streets.
In attempt to stay awake I've got perky Christmas songs on the BBC radio in my room and have settled in. Unpacked...and waiting for a quick visit from my daughter, who will drop me off some dinner in a few hours. Meanwhile I'm munching my husband's homemade jerky he packed for me and one last cookie I failed to eat, and looking at pictures of our dog he is sending me...I also brought Christmas cards to work on in my room time. But wanted to offer my experience as a traveler in unsettling travel times.
Ok, so at SFO at the check-in counter, the airline agent really scrutinized my neg covid test result from the prior day and looked to make sure I had the UK locator form, even though I was "travel ready", having downloaded those items to United Air the night before . He also asked for proof of my London test..
The flight from SFO was a dream. Many empty seats, (no surprise) so room to spread out. Flight was on time and from walking out of the plane to getting checked suitcase in hand - post immigration/customs - was about 40 minutes...US passports still go through E passport check so that made it faster..A sign said they were doing random checks for travel locator forms. I didnt get picked but had it ready to offer.
The best part was people at covid test center in terminal 2 didnt care that I showed up 2 hours early for my test. Took me right in -- again fewer travelers so workers were standing waiting for customers -- I got that done and headed for the tube to come into the city.. easy. Also, the guy who conducted my pcr test said results could be tomorrow afternoon, ahead of 10 p.m. suggested time. I could be out Thursday for dinner!
Overall on the trip here I felt safe. I double masked several times, like when in line for passport check...
I know many people pulled the plug on their trip due to the hoops... I'll just say I'm glad I made the effort and hung in there. Ha I'm just in the first hours. Let's see what test result is and go from there...But I'm over the Christmas songs...time for something else.