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London-What is Blooming?

What’s blooming in London? I imagine daffodils, at least. Any tree blossoms? What do you expect might be coming up by the first week of April?
I’m dying for a little color. Spring was just starting here when several late snow storms decided to blow through.

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266 posts

Right now the crocuses have just finished, daffodils are in full swing, and magnolias and cherry blossoms are just starting. In April we usually start to see tulips. Bluebells also bloom in April, but that’s usually the latter half of the month.

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How lovely! I arrive on the 31st and am now even more excited. Do you know if Kew gardens are worth visiting this time of year? I imagine the hothouses get things popping earlier that usual.

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In my personal opinion, Kew is a year-round destination! Things are always blooming in the glasshouses (and if you're here in February/March there's also the annual orchid show).

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2144 posts

I don’t t know how to post links, but if you google ‘Where to find magnolia and cherry blossoms in London’ check out the article from Brogan Abroad. I was just reading it yesterday….it is quite comprehensive, as in OK, enough blossoms already! Reliable and/ or acurrate? Don’t know. Have good time.
I can say that here in Columbus,Ohio early magnolias are starting as are Redbud trees and crocus….then lows in the 20s . Happy first day of Spring!

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2512 posts

I live in Lincolnshire and the cherry blossom is out and the forsythia is covered in flowers too... There af=re daffodils everywhere.

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8824 posts

Denny, to post a link, just go to the URL address bar, select all, then hit "copy." Go to your post and paste it in anywhere you like. That's the easy way —if you want to get fancy, use the globe icon above to insert a link into a phrase or word you have selected.

And I miss my redbud tree in my backyard in Cincinnati! The dogwoods were also beautiful.

wasleys, cherry blossoms and forsythia sound wonderful! We've got dead grass and melting snow on the ground in Duluth (sigh).

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2144 posts

Thanks Mardee! I think I correctly added a link though I never saw “all” but just copied and pasted. A major technological accomplishment! And we may take a drive down along the Ohio river soon, but our fickle spring weather is back with a vengeance. . One year the redbuds in that vicinity were magnificent…Southern Ohio’s answer to Sakura.

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9017 posts

Way up in Cumbria there is a lot of spring blossom and flowers as well. Very colourful.

In spite of being quite chilly and still getting almost nightly frosts things are coming through very nicely, aided by the warmer days and stronger spring sunshine on days like today.

So London, 300 miles south and a lot warmer should be doing even better.

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14 posts

Claudia and Denny,
Fantastic websites!! Thank you.

It’s still mostly brown grass and melting snow here too, but some green grass is startingto come up. We had a warm-ish winter and a very cold and snowy spring. The weather is just whacko!