That's what their website says.
But since they list specific meeting points and times, has anyone just tried showing up, or maybe it was too late to reserve so they went and saw if they could join.
They say the guides carry contactless credit card readers so it sounds like they're prepared for any eventuality.
Thing is, I prefer to wait til the last minute, for weather and for various logistics reasons.
I've talked a lot of free tours in recent years and generally like them, that I can show up at last minute. Have never been denied since they are working for tips. Some websites make you pay some nominal fee like a couple of Euros to make a reservation.
I probably would not do some of these tours if it was raining but they hold the tours rain or shine so I don't want to financially commit to a rainy tour. Presumably they take your credit card number to do a reservation, though all their tours are £15.