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London trip. Cambridge or Oxford for day trip

We will be in London for 3 days in July and would like to visit either Oxford or Cambridge. Which is best for a day trip?

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3551 posts

Frankly both are wonderful. Perhaps if u are into world class museums u could decide based on that.

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28796 posts

I agree with JS. I just looked at rail fares and travel times to see if there was a significant difference, but I don't know that there's enough variance in either to really affect your decision.

Cambridge trains take as little as 48 minutes, but most take longer. Oxford trains take at least 57 minutes, but you have more choices of trains that take only about 1 hour as opposed to closer to 1-1/2 hours for a good number of the Cambridge trains.

Tomorrow morning's one-way fares to Oxford seem to range from £9 to £34, depending on when you want to travel and whether you're able to snag an Advance ticket (they can sell out well in advance). If you buy a ticket soon, I think the most you'd have to pay would be £15 one-way.

Tomorrow morning's one-way fares to Cambridge seem to range from £11 to £25, depending upon time and availability of Advance tickets. If purchasing soon, I think you can be sure of paying no more than £11 one-way for a trip taking about 75 minutes, probably a bit more if you chose the fastest trains.

What might be significant to you is that trains for the two university cities depart from different rail stations. If your hotel is near one of those stations, that might be enough to tip the balance, since other factors are pretty equal:

Oxford: Paddington (more trains) and Marylebone (fewer trains)

Cambridge: Kings Cross and Liverpool Street.

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6113 posts

Unless you have been to London many times, with only 3 days there, I would stay in London. Although both are nice places to wander round, for me, Cambridge has the slight edge. Walking The Backs on a sunny day is very pleasant.

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4727 posts

I've been to both and prefer Cambridge, partly because of the DNA history of the Eagle Pub.

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662 posts

I'd pick Cambridge because I want to see the Duxford Imperial War Museum which is nearby.

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9384 posts

Either. Depends on your interests.

Eagle pub and the backs are enjoyable in Cambridge.

Oxford, the Eagle and Child pub, Bodelien library and the climb to the top for the view from St Mary’s is worth the effort.

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1330 posts

Oxford has better "sights" such as the Bodleian. Cambridge has prettier views, such as the Backs and King's College, which is the best college in either of course. Both have famous museums (Fitzwilliam or Ashmolean), pubs (Eagle or Eagle & Child) and branches of McDonald's.

Unless one is easier to get to the departing station from your London hotel, I'd toss a coin.

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2657 posts

I would choose Cambridge, but partly because Ispent several days there and did some special activities such a making a brass rubbing and taking a bell ringing tour ( strange, but interesting )

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4727 posts

Cambridge also has Evensong at Kings College

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16744 posts

I have been to both and found them interesting. But if I had to choose one, I'd choose Cambridge. Prettier town.

Posted by
6713 posts

Oxford is a more urban setting than Cambridge, the colleges are mostly on a street grid and there's lots of traffic. Cambridge is a good-sized town but smaller than Oxford, and the Backs, where some of the colleges back onto the river, are very scenic. Both have good museums, pubs, lots of history. Marginally I'd pick Cambridge but you can't really go wrong.

That is, you can't go wrong unless this is your first visit to London and you spend one of three precious days going out to a university town. Three days is a very short visit to London itself and I'd suggest you stay there.

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4727 posts

I agree with Dick. With 3 days, you will only make a small dent in the things to see in London.