Hi all:
So I am researching tube options for our 6 day london trip this summer - seems we might as well get 7 day travelcards since we are staying a bit outside the city (in zone 2 I think)... Looks like it pays for itself in about 10 trips - that;s only one round trip per day and I'm sure we will make at least that.
We arrive on a Saturday night at 9:30pm. Looks like to get the 11-15 child rate oyster card (for my 12 year old), they have to have photo, order online and you have to pick it up at a certain place - the Heathrow office closed by the time we get there... so we would still have to get to our flat, and back to a ticket office the next day before we could pick it up. The process seems long and complicated... it would only save us 16 pounds, so probably not worth it right? Are we allowed to just buy him a full adult rate one without the hassle once we get there?
And my 10 year old just travels free with no card, yes? I was going to get him the 5-10 oyster card anyway, just in case he is mistaken for older (he will be 11 in December and fairly big... but not giant). But same problem with the pick up....
So I guess I just buy 3 adult 7 day travelcards, and my youngest goes free and we are hopefully not questioned on his age?
Let me know if I am missing something please! Thanks!