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London to York

in August we will be driving from London to York. Allowing for one stop along the way, what would be the one site-location we should not miss?

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239 posts

It depends on your thing, but Chatsworth, the Peak District (especially the White Peak), Hardwick Hall or Lincoln Cathedral (if you go the long way round).

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5506 posts

It really does depend on the way you go. For me the A1 has it these days as much of the M1 is festooned with roadworks and slow running at present.

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4181 posts

Having visited both Cambridge and Chatsworth , I am loath to have to choose between them , and cannot . I think the determining factor would be time - Cambridge needs several days to do it justice , Chatsworth will work in one long day , if you start early in the morning and stay all day . In any event , watch this splendid documentary to whet your appetite for Chatsworth -

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5506 posts

If you are only looking for a stop to break the journey, rather than spending several hours, consider Grantham.

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5678 posts

If you've not driven in the UK before, I would strongly recommend picking up your car in York. I did that my first time driving in the UK and it was much easier than negotiating London! Unless you have your heart set on seeing Chatsford, I'd push the car off to York.