This article in today's NY Times , will advance your knowledge of English cultural practices and certainly will bring a smile along with it !
Great story, thank you. I will look for their buttoned costumes next time we are in London, and toss some ££into the bucket.
Thanks for the story link. I encountered a couple of these lovely folks at Covent Garden a few years ago. It was fun!
Many Thanks , I'm glad you both enjoyed this ! A little further example - Back around 1938 , a well known English Music Hall star ( Music Hall was the British incarnation of Vaudeville , and then , Burlesque in America ) by the name of Lupino Lane starred in a Musical Comedy called " Me and My Girl " ( He was a relation of Ida Lupino } The show was done on Broadway in 1987 to great success . His story - and a clip from the Broadway revival -