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London New Years Eve & Day

Hello all!

I will be in London this New Years Eve & Day. Can anyone tell me what to expect as far as opening/closing times, the tube operations, etc? I am planning to try and see the parade and my hotel is the Premier Inn County Hall at the London eye so I'm close for the fireworks. I was planning to just grab a spot along Westminster Bridge nice and early. Any tips to throw my way?


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795 posts

Here is some info on what is open and when> This is specific for December 31, 2015/January 1, 2015. It starts with Museums but also click on each of the panels to see Attractions, Galleries, and Events, each on a separate panel.

For information on the celebration on New Year's Eve,>

You need to order your tickets to see the fireworks. Info is here on when and how to do that plus other ways to see the fireworks (we like boat parties!!)> Best order tickets when they come up for sale in September as they will sell out long before New Year's eve.

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239 posts

The only day public transport closes entirely in the UK is Christmas Day. New Year's Day services usually run on a Sunday or special public holiday timetable.

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959 posts

Hi Kristin, we were in London for NYE and went to the fireworks. We bought tickets. The tickets were only 10 pounds, so it's not expensive to go. My tip is DRESS WARM and bring a blanket!!!! We were chilly. (I brought those little beanbag hand warmer thingies, but wished I'd brought four instead of one...) Also, go early if you want a good spot. We actually witnessed some people fighting because some had wormed their way in to the edge and the people had been there since the beginning. I was worried about toilets, so I didn't drink much of anything, but there were an abundance of port-a-potties. I wouldn't do it again... I was glad that I did it once, but wouldn't deal with the craziness of getting in before the gates opened in addition to five hours of waiting for the show just so we'd have a good spot. We got there about 7pm and there was a large crowd waiting to get through the gates. We waited probably an hour in that crowd to make it through. If you were claustrophobic, you would have died. (At least we weren't cold at that point. :D) But in the viewing area it was NOT overcrowded. We got a spot on the edge and were able to sit on the ground while we waited. Afterwards, we walked from the site back to our hotel instead of attempting the Tube. It took us about 25-30 minutes (our hotel was near St Pancras). Almost the whole way back, roads were closed to cars so it wasn't crowded walking back which was nice. Also, I was grateful that I had my book on the app on my phone so I was able to read a LOT while we waited! Bring a portable phone charger so you won't run out of juice!