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London: Evensong @ Westminster Abbey?

Do we need to get tickets for evensong @ Westminster Abbey?

Are tickets even purchasable? Or should we just show up at the appointed evensong time & place?


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8885 posts


There are no tickets for evensong.

You just turn up.

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83 posts

Thanks! Should we get there super early? We're going on a weekday (Tuesday) in mid March.

Posted by
221 posts

WrenG: if there are no Easter-adjacent special things going on (sorry, hope that was not offensive in any way - I’m not Christian and am not sure how to phrase it) you should not need to turn up super early on a Tuesday in March.

Last time I went to Westminster Abbey for evensong I was a tourist - maybe 8 years ago? - and it was winter, but after Christmas, and we turned up about 20 minutes early and just waltzed right in. And it was SOOOOO lovely! :-)

As others have said, you can’t ramble around before or after, but the experience is wonderful even so.

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1227 posts

In the past, I have shown up about 20-30 minutes before evensong begins and waited in the queue. I have always gotten pretty good seat. And as already mentioned, you will not be able to walk around — have to follow strict route to the seats and at the end another route to exit.

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7457 posts

Like Mary, we too arrived 20-30 minutes prior to the service. Other than this past December when we arrived later than we wanted to, we’ve always gotten a seat in the quire. The service lasts about 45 minutes +/-.

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4744 posts

Volva-you phrased it fine. Not offensive at all and people appreciate the information.