Has anyone recently done the Changing of the Guard tour with Fun London Tours? Looking for how it was for you.
Has anyone recently done the Changing of the Guard tour with Fun London Tours? Looking for how it was for you.
You can just rock up and see the changing of the Guard without paying someone.
Although you would be spending a lot of time to watch some soldiers briefly march past. Like The Cotswolds, its appeal utterly escapes me.
You do not need a tour to see the Changing of the Guard. Just show up early enough to get a good place to stand and watch.
Or for a show you can actually SEE, with far fewer tourists, more fun pomp, trumpets, and horses (!) try The Horseguards!
And a thread from this forum: https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/to-the-north/horse-guards-parade-changing-of-the-guard