We're considering a trip, around 14 days, in and around London next spring. We'd take our kiddo (age 13) out of school for a few days before his spring break, so we'd arrive about a week before Easter, and stay through the week after. I have no idea what to expect in London on Good Friday/Easter weekend. If you've traveled at that time, was there any downside to being in London for Easter? Were places closed for the holiday weekend? Were places mobbed with tourists because it was a holiday weekend? Was it tricky to get around via bus/tube?
I can certainly google a particular museum, let's say, to see if they're closed Good Friday, but it's harder to get a sense of whether an open place will be packed to the gills, or impossible to reach via public transit!
And on the flipside, was there any standout experience that is limited to that time?
Thanks :)