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LNER Website down

I need to change the dates on my round trip tickets London-York-London, but the website says:

Thanks for your patience while we update and improve the website. Please check back soon.

Does anyone know how long the site will be down? Our trip isn't until late June, but I just now notice my tickets are for the wrong dates. And yes, I know I should have caught it sooner, but "it is what it is."


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5499 posts

"The LNER website will be unavailable from 23:00 on Tuesday 30 April until 05:00 on Wednesday 1 May.

Customers will not be able to login to the app."

Hope people travelling presently had saved etickets elsewhere or have the pdf stored as necessary ...

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5928 posts

Having worked in IT, I’d suggest you try back during UK business hours. It is almost midnight in the UK. System maintenence is usually done overnight when there are few users on the system.

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6644 posts

Thanks, Marco and Laura. Both useful answers.

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6644 posts

Thanks, Frank II. It's on my "to do" list for later today. I hope; the day has suddenly become more complicated than I had anticipated, but, hey, nothing new there!