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Lake District or Highlands?

Hi All,

So I know there was a question similar to this one, but it was from 10 years ago, and a slightly different scenario, so thought I would put it out there again. I'll be staying in Anstruther for a few days and then have 2 nights that I can either still spend in Scotland, or perhaps head to the Lake District before going back to London. I'm debating whether to spend a day in Edinburgh, and then do a day tour to the Highlands...or just go straight to Windermere from Leuchars station. I will be there in mid-May. I have been to the Lake District in Spring before and loved it. But I've never been to the Highlands (I have been to Edinburgh a couple times).
In the other post, I noticed that some people mentioned the Highlands can still be pretty brown in that true? I keep looking up articles that say May is one of the best months to go, but if it's not very green yet, it doesn't sound as appealing. And in that case I would prefer the Lake District. For those of you who have been to the Highlands in May, what did you think? And would you choose that over the Lake District?

Love to hear some thoughts! :-)

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1258 posts

In my option May is one of the absolute best times to come to the Highlands. There will still be snow on the highest peaks, but the lower levels will certainly be green. The yellow gorse will also be blooming. You could consider a Rabbies tour. They are very highly regarded and get great reviews.

The Lakes are wonderful but if you've been there and want something different then the Highlands would be a great alternative.

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7388 posts

I should be encouraging you to come to the Lake District, but logistically I don't think it makes sense.

I agree with Skyegirl that the sources about the Highlands which you have been reading are not correct. As you are already in the area just stay there for the remaining 2 nights. In your circumstances that is what I would do. It is a wonderful time of year to be up in the Highlands,

By the way it wouldn't be "straight to Windermere"- it would be Leuchars to Haymarket (or Edinburgh Waverley), Haymarket/Waverley to Oxenholme, Oxenholme to Windermere (so 3 different trains).

Depending on the train sometimes it is best to change at Haymarket and sometimes Waverley. Southbound I would always change Waverley because I have time to board the train (it starts there) and am more likely to find a good seat.

It is usually cheapest to book that journey as Leuchars to Edinburgh, then Edinburgh to Windermere but there is one train a day- the 1123 from Leuchars- where there is usually a cheap through advance ticket- arrives Windermere at 1556.

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1337 posts

Hi Jonna -

I’m going to agree with my colleagues above who suggest staying in the Highlands if only due to the logistics of the situation, as in you are already there or at least in the vicinity. I love both the Lakes and the Highlands. The Highlands are more rugged, remote, and a notch up in terms of scale than the Lakes, but are magnificent - I’m sure given half decent weather you’ll be thrilled and delighted by them. And, in May, hopefully the midges won’t be out in full effect!


Posted by
3019 posts

In the other post, I noticed that some people mentioned the Highlands
can still be pretty brown in that true?

If you are wanting to see a lot of color, I do think you will be disappointed. I was in Edinburgh this past May and took 2 rabbie’s tours to the highlands. I enjoyed them, but the landscape certainly wasn’t bright and colorful.

My trip report has some photos. The ones from the rabbie’s tours are towards the end.

Arthur’s seat, on the other hand, was covered in yellow gorse.

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7629 posts

I was in the Highlands this May for 3 weeks and found it incredibly green - in some places, it seemed almost to glow; it was such a beautiful vibrant shade. Sure, there are some brown areas, but the green was ever present. I loved being there in May - the midges had not yet made a real appearance, and we had great weather almost the entire time.

I enjoyed the Lake District when I was there years ago, but I would choose the Highlands in May anytime.

Posted by
46 posts

Thanks so much for the suggestions everyone, that definitely helps! I'm leaning more towards the Highlands now. As long as it is somewhat green, I'll be happy about that (thanks for the pics Carrie, that does help!). I do love the Lake District, but the Highlands does seem to make more sense this time. I'll be sure to look into the Rabbie's tour!