I don't know how people are being notified, as this is uncharted territory. I hope they have set up crush barriers to have queues for individual trains then open the relevant door when ready. It may even be as low tech as at Victoria on Tuesday night during the bomb alert/fire alarm (whatever happened- they said a fire but only one fire engine attended, and lots of specialist police officers- so I think it was a bomb threat) when loud hailers were being used to holler to people.
I got caught in the beginning of the storm in Devon on Wednesday morning, but am all snug at home now. I am only 20 miles from Honister Pass which, even after this week at Brechin, holds the UK 24 hour rainfall record- 341mm, set in 2015. A storm which caused massive disruption in Cumbria. The UK very frequently has a storm at the end of October/start of November, but not on this scale. The 3 and 4 day rainfall records (456 and 495mm) were set in 2009 less than 30 miles away from me- at Seathwaite- also not surpassed at Brechin.
Two appalling, but fairly local storms. This was rare for being nationwide.