Nigel, that’s what I’m after - good experiences!
I’d love your thoughts on the below (anyone else as well), even if you’re not familiar with the restaurant.
So I was going to go to this restaurant on Saturday night as I’d be in Portsmouth for the day, then spend Sunday on IOW.
However, I realized I messed up my days…I’m arriving in Arundel (staying 3 nights) on Saturday, April 26th. It’s just too much travel to get to RT on that day. They ARE open for Sunday Lunch (12-4pm), though
So my options are:
Go to Portsmouth on Sunday as planned, and go to RT via ferry or Hover for the last seating for Sunday lunch ( a very early dinner)
Monday - day on IOW
go to IOW on Sunday instead (Portsmouth on Monday), and have lunch at a typical time (say anytime between 1-–3)
That would give me the rest of the day to relax at a beach (possibly spend a couple of hours at Osborne House if I get there early enough). Of course, as long as lunch would be my main meal of the day, I could have lunch later, and still fit in OH first, beach later
back to the Isle of Wight - you not only don't spend very long on the
beach to beach trip, you don't see much from your seat - there is
usually quite a lot of spray on the windows and they have sea salt
deposits... but it is a good experience overall. I like going slowly
on Wightlink, but I also have my car under my arm.