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Hey Guys and Gals,
We are staying in Ilford soon.
I have never been to the U.K. and I am very excited about going.
I'm trying to get a gauge on the area, meaning is it an O.K. area or is it kind of shady.
I know here in the U.S. we have Burroughs that you need to be aware of, and others are just fine.
Any help would be appreciated.

It wouldn't be my choice - but I don't mean it's actively dangerous, just rough & ready. It's a curious choice for a holiday (I imagine you're either staying with family or found really cheap accommodation) but it's starting to get a little bit gentrified as people search for affordable homes in London. Very diverse population, not attractive in any way, but decent transport links - you can get the train to Liverpool Street Station in 20 minutes, which is on the eastern edge of central London, if you're prepared to put up with packed commuter trains at rush hour.

This article might help:

Posted by
33513 posts

I agree that Ilford is a curious choice. I couldn't say whether the building/estate/neighborhood you will be in is safe or not. Have you put the address - I assume that you have the actual address by now? - in Streetview to see how it looks?

There is at least one bus to Ilford from central London, the number 25, but it will take an age and a half for the journey.

Posted by
64 posts

You guessed it, there was a cheap accommodation deal online.
Ilford, to me, looked ok when I booked it. Very close to Valentines Park.
As long as it's not notoriously "dangerous", I think we will be able to make it through the week.
Jane, thanks for the link! That was a good read.

Nigel, The first thing I did was google map it. It had a very suburbs feel to it from my vantage point.
Many people walking around, lots of shops, good restaurant reviews etc.....
I just wanted an honest opinion on the area. I will have my kids and my Father with us, just wanted a decent safe area to stay.
I guess you get what you pay for honestly.
Thanks Again!

You guessed it, there was a cheap accommodation deal online.

You do indeed get what you pay for.

We often see requests from tourists saying they want to see the "real Britain", not just tourist attractions. Well, you'll certainly see that! Whether you like enjoy it is another matter.

Posted by
4684 posts

Ilford certainly isn't "dangerous". Just don't expect it to be "quaint" or historic. But, yes, it will give you a flavour of the real London.

There are very frequent trains to Liverpool Street station in central London.

Posted by
6113 posts

It is not an area that I would personally want to stay in. As far as I am aware, it doesn't have a particularly bad reputation. I was last there two or three years ago and the High Road had declined from my previous visit probably 10 years before that to become depressed and full of pound shops, curry houses or vacant shops. There have been two large shopping centres built a few miles away, which has killed the high street here.

It is certainly of mixed ethnicity, with the sixth lowest proportion of white, British residents in the UK, according to the latest census. It does, however, have quick, regular transport links into central London.

Posted by
233 posts

I wouldn't stay there.... it's miles out of town and I like to be far more central. Unless you're staying for free with friends, I just can't imagine that you couldn't find something better and closer in.

Posted by
3843 posts

What do you want to see in London? I think it would improve your enjoyment of London 100% to actually stay in central London, walking distance to some tourist sights.

There are inexpensive options all over London. You just have to know where to look.
We will all be glad to help you find another place to stay if you choose to cancel your booking in Ilford.
Rick Steves also has some excellent suggestions in his London guidebook for reasonable hotels and B&B's.

Posted by
64 posts

Thanks Guys, I appreciate the replies.
I chose to stay a distance away from London for several reasons.
I will be spending 2 days in London, then the rest of the trip will be exploring the south of England.
No real Itinerary, just known cities we would like to see. (Literature nerd on board)
As far as the sights, Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth tower, etc..... Not much else.
The real trip for us is in the other cities.
Next time it will only be the Wife and myself, Lake district.

Posted by
33513 posts

For the sights you have listed - Westminster Abbey, Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth tower - about 15 minutes will do it, they are all next to each other and a 5 minute walk from Westminster Tube station, the Palace a little further. Add an hour if you go inside the Abbey.

It seems a shame to commute so far into one the best cities in the world and miss 99% of what most people go there for.

But, horses for courses, it's your trip - first time to the UK.

Posted by
3843 posts

I see from your other thread that you will have a car with you which you are picking up at Heathrow. Be sure the insurance you take out on it covers you for theft if you will be parking it in Ilford for two days. Unlikely, but could happen in any city. If not insured properly and the car is stolen, you could be responsible for the total value of the car. Always good to make sure you're insured for everything on a rental car.

Posted by
64 posts

It was my impression that the tube ride from Ilford to London was only 20 to 30 Minutes or so.
Car will stay in Ilford the day we go to London, And yes it is FULLY insured for everything.
But, what the heck do I know, first time is usually a learning experience.
I'll still enjoy the trip!

Posted by
8889 posts

You are picking up a car at Heathrow and driving it to Ilford. That is the opposite side of London. Do not take a straight line through the middle. Apart from the congestion fee, that would be like wading through treacle. You will need to either go round the North Circular, or round on the M25, and then in on the M11.

Nothing wrong with Ilford, typical London suburb filled with commuters. Which station is best to get into central London depends on where you are in Ilford. There is Ilford station, plus others, on the commuter route (not tube) into Liverpool Street, The tube central line also goes through a different part of the borough of Ilford with the following stations in Ilford:

  • Gants Hill tube station
  • Redbridge tube station
  • Wanstead tube station
  • Newbury Park tube station
  • Barkingside tube station
  • Fairlop tube station
Posted by
64 posts

Yes! I'm going to go north around the city. It's about a 45 minute drive that way. Thanks for the heads up!

Posted by
3843 posts

"I will be spending 2 days in London, then the rest of the trip will be exploring the south of England."

Wow, your trip sounds like fun! What places will you visit in the south of England?

Posted by
6113 posts

Ilford to say Westminster tube station has a fastest journey time of 36 minutes, but these timings don't allow for the time to get down to the platform or back up again, which will take on average 5 minutes at each station, so at least 45 minutes.

You may be able to drive from Heathrow to Ilford in under an hour in the middle of the night, but at most other times of day, this is likely to take over 1.5 hours.

Posted by
64 posts

1.5 hours? Jeez! We're landing at 8:45 a.m. so I imagine I'll be caught up in that.

We're going all over......
Bath, Stratford upon Avon, Bristol, Canterbury, seriously all over. I'm going to somewhat map it out, but just going to drive and take our time.