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How to charge American cell phones

We are technically incompetent seniors who need to know how to charge our cell phones in London, please.

Posted by
20942 posts

Have a British-American plug adapter and plug in your regular charger.

Posted by
129 posts

I've had some challenges with my adapter on recent trips. This most recent time I ended up going to Boots Pharmacy (a chain that as far as I known is across the UK) and buying a British style plug. I'll hang onto it for future trips!

That being said, several of the hotels I stayed in had a usb adapter port underneath the plug socket. If you have a charger with a USB port on both ends you may just be able to use that and not have to deal with an adapter at all.

Posted by
131 posts

I like to carry a mult-country adapter that has not only a plug for charging but slots for two different type of charging cables. It allows me to charge more than one device on the adapter. The side of the adapter has levers that slide to have the correct country's plug system pop out. Here is the link to the one I got from Amazon.

Be sure to take extra cables of different lengths because the plug may be in different locations. Plus it is always good to have back-ups. Since you said you were technically challenged, I also want to suggest you get a "travel tray" from Tom Bihn. I like the small size. Tom Bihn is a company many of us on the forum love. I put my cables, chargers, ear plugs, chap stick, mints, etc in it and it keeps me organized. I can just grab it out of my backpack on the plane and put it in the seat pocket. Since I have a bright color, I never miss grabbing it. In my hotel, I put it on my bedside table and fold the top half over so that it stands up. I put my room key and glasses in it too so that I have everything in one place. It just takes the stress out of travel and keeps me organized. Tom Bihn items can only be bought on their website.
Have a great time in London, you will love it. Try to stay in a hotel on the Piccadilly line since it goes directly to Heathrow.

Posted by
32318 posts

If you're only travelling to the U.K. and not other parts of Europe, you'll need THIS TYPE OF PLUG ADAPTOR.. It's also a good idea to check the phone chargers to ensure that they're designed to work from 100-240VAC (look for the words "Input Voltage" somewhere on the charger).

I assume you've checked with your home cell network, and your phones are capable of operation in the U.K.

Posted by
16024 posts

To answer your charge it the same way you do at home. You just need an adapter so it fits into the UK wall outlet.

If just London, the adapter should look something like this:

If you don't buy one here, you can find them at any grocery, supermarket, pharmacy or souvenir shop in London.

For information, Boots is the largest pharmacy chain in the UK and is a sister company of Walgreens.

Posted by
1073 posts

Don't forget to switch the socket on after plugging the charger in, our sockets have switches on them. Have read quite a few posts on travel forums from American visitors forgetting to do that.

Posted by
7566 posts

Don't forget to switch the socket on after plugging the charger in, our sockets have switches on them.

This is true, but I've found that in many hotels, they are left in an "on" position, so you may not have to do anything. But definitely check to see.