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Housing Near the All England Tennis Club

Going to see a couple of matches next year at Wimbeldon. The question is where to stay. Is anyone familiar with a close VRBO, AirBnB, or …… to the venue. OR is the subway system (which I know from past experience several years ago in general was pretty good) good enough distance wise close that we can stay pretty much anywhere? Either answer, any recommendations?


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5361 posts

It doesn't take long to get to the AELTC - 20 minute walk from Wimbledon station (mainly uphill) or about 15 from Southfields (mainly downhill). There are also special express buses run from Victoria. (There are no longer bus shuttles from Southfields which you may see reference to - they were discontinued in 2013; they do go from Wimbledon.)

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239 posts

Going south west, the demand for flats seems during Wimbledon fortnight seems to drop off quite sharply after Raynes Park. If you look for something around Kingston (including Norbiton, Coombe (possibly expensive) & Surbiton) you might find things easier. There are plenty of trains and buses to Wimbledon from there. The train from Kingston to Wimbledon is 15 mins, the No 57 bus about half an hour. You'd also be near Hampton Court.