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Hot enough for ya?

My friends just got back from London and while they didn't love their hotel they were very happy that they had their own thermostat that actually worked (since they like a room at near-sauna temperatures).

But given the availability and price of gas in Europe this winter, you might not be so lucky esp. if you're staying at an apartment rental or a smaller hotel. So if controlling your own temp is important to you, contact the location in advance and confirm what their plans are. Heat could be a real budget-buster for many lodgings this winter. I learned the hard way back in the '80s that Brits don't heat the house, they heat themselves with layers of clothing.

Posted by
6113 posts

Sorry, things here have obviously changed in the last 40-50 years. What a ridiculous comment!

I stayed in a rental cottage two weeks ago. The thermostat could be freely adjusted. I have never stayed in any cottages where this hasn’t been the case.

Posted by
2467 posts

I much prefer lower temperatures at home so often complain that places are too hot when I'm on holiday!

Posted by
250 posts

"But given the availability and price of gas in Europe this winter, you might not be so lucky esp. if you're staying at an apartment rental or a smaller hotel. "

Agreed its a ridiculous statement. In fact it more likely to be other away around if anything as larger buildings will have computerised controlled building management systems and occupancy sensors. Therefore management can set back temperatures centrally unseen - that not with standing, hotels being public buildings the H&SAW Act comes into play where there are minimuim occupancy temperatures. Also, any self respecting hotel wants repeat business so they are not going freeze their customers, the price increase of utilities will simply be reflected in the room rate.

Posted by
1072 posts

I thought British people had penny in the slot gas meters? That's what my British grandfather always told me.

Posted by
6113 posts

The nearest gas supply to the village where I live is 3 miles away, so the gas price is irrelevant to me. We have oil fired heating, as do many rural communities.

We fixed our electricity price for 2 years 18 months ago, so are currently unaffected by the price hikes.

Posted by
1710 posts

I thought the title of this topic was referring to the outside temperatures which are currently significantly higher than normal throughout Europe. As a result fewer heating is needed and the market price of gas has dropped substantially. I’m sure that if you ask your friends, they will confirm that everywhere they went the inside temperature was nice and warm. Not just in their hotel room, but also in places like museums, shops, restaurants and other places where they weren’t in control of the temperature themselves.
About a month ago, we did have a bit of a cold spell, but even then public and private buildings were nice and warm. And despite all the scaremongering stories, Christmas markets were not cancelled, Christmas lights and decorations were not cancelled etc.

Posted by
4976 posts

Ok then, excuse me for watching the news and reading the paper in London last month.

And yes, just today the paper says actually things are okay at the moment gas wise in Europe. So I will take credit for that.

And also yes, gas bills in LA are about to double.

Posted by
250 posts

" I don't think they used ferrets as fuel in Dickemnsian times."

Indeed they did, Its the olde worde equivalent of throw a shrimp on the barbi. Only it was throw a ferret on the fire and shed a layer.

Posted by
98 posts

Don't believe everything you read in the papers, they often have political or nationalistic allegiances. For example an well known Australian paper during the pandemic painted a picture of Britain (England to be more precise) with us stumbling over bodies in the streets whilst searching for shops with anything on their shelves, shaking our heads over Brexit-regret.

Posted by
1710 posts

“ Ok then, excuse me for watching the news and reading the paper in London last month.”
I’m sorry but I don’t understand. What stories did you read a month ago? Were there reports from hotel guests who couldn’t heat their hotel rooms?