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Help! Side trips in the South of England

Hi, folks!

My partner and I (both in our 20s) have been planning a trip to Oxford and London in late August/early September (me for work, him for family), and it just so happens that we'll have a few extra days to spend in the UK before flying home via Heathrow. We know that we'd like to visit Bath, probably for 2-3 full days, which leaves us with 2-3 days to go elsewhere. We'd like to stay in the south if possible, as it would be easy to get back to London for our departing flight, but we do just want a few days outside of the hustle and bustle of the city.

To finish our itinerary, we'd love your help and thoughts!

We do have a few considerations and limitations, the first being that we won't have a car. If we did have a car, we would almost certainly go to the Cotswolds or Lake District and explore, but it seems a bit too spread out to not have a car there. Thus, we would like to stay somewhere we can easily access by train. We also would like to spend time in a more quaint and/or pedestrian-friendly area, with a pretty walkable town/city center and centralized attractions/accommodations. We also love hiking, so the chance to get out into nature without having to rent a car is certainly a plus. Cost is, of course, a large factor; we're both researchers working on limited grants, and while we're contributing equally to this trip, I want to make sure we're not going to a place that is overly expensive to get to and stay in.

As we've been looking, we've come across York (we're already spending a day there to visit part of his family), Brighton, Dover, Stow, Stratford, and a handful of small towns. We think Brighton would be fun, but after perusing Rick's recommended itinerary and our guidebooks, we decided that we'd love to hear from other travelers. What's a fun side trip from London for 2-3 days that you've made or heard about that you might find worthwhile? We really just want to hear about your experiences, and we'd be immensely grateful for any advice you might be able to offer.

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7389 posts

Just a correction, the Lake District is a pretty compact area (or at least where a short term tourist would go to), it is emphatically not "too spread out to not have a car there".
I have put a lot of resource onto this forum about car free ways to explore the Lake District.
However, whatever modal choice you made to get there, it is the better part of a day to get there from Bath, and the better part of a day to get back to LHR, so on that ground alone, you can rule the Lake District out as it is not an efficient use of time.
Likewise York is not remotely Southern England and is spending time getting there and back.

I think that somewhere like Salisbury, only an hour from Bath, would fit your wish list. Look on to see if you can find accommodation within your budget for your dates.

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2 posts

Yes, sorry, should have clarified: we are visiting York separately, not within this 6-day window, as my partner has family there. I noted it only to rule it out, as it were. And as for the Lake District, most of my reading on the area had come back with assured "you'd enjoy it most with a car" conclusions, but thank you for elucidating its compactness and ease of access, even if we can't make it on this trip! I appreciate your recommendation for Salisbury; I'm not sure how it slipped my mind! Thank you!

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1292 posts

You’re already going to Bath which sounds a lot like your wish list for a place to explore after Bath. It’s not a huge city and you can walk out to green areas very easily so you may not feel a need to ‘escape the city’ after your time there.

Brighton is fun. It can be incredibly busy in the summer with day trippers. You’re young so you’d find plenty there to keep you entertained.

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358 posts

Whitstable as a base, great routes along the coast to Reculver Fort, day trip to Canterbury

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4598 posts

I am far from an expert but I would second wasleys ideas of Winchester or Salisbury. I enjoyed Brighton but I wouldn’t go back. I think it may not exactly be what you are looking for. Another thought might be Canterbury. Or Chichester. And somewhere on the forum from last year is a thread (that I can’t find now) about a village not far from Winchester that made me wish I had a week and hadn’t already planned my stops in some of the above.

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3139 posts

There is a direct train from the Bath Spa station to Salisbury (1h). From Salisbury you can take a taxi to Stonehenge.

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4432 posts

We spent a couple of nights in Salisbury last September and I would say it checks all of your boxes. We had a car so I can't comment on other modes of transportation, but I thought Stonehenge was worth a visit and can be accessed by bus or taxi. You may also want to check out the Salisbury Cathedral Tower Tour .

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7629 posts

I would also vote for Salisbury. I loved it, especially the cathedral (which has one of the 4 original copies of the Magna Cartas). And as Allan pointed out, you are close to Stonehenge.

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6472 posts

What about Canterbury? We spent a couple of days there some years ago before the Best of Southern England tour, and enjoyed it. Great walks, interesting museums, good food, pub and otherwise.

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1292 posts

You’re much younger than the average poster here. I know what I enjoy now is not the same as it was at your age. I’d suggest staying in Bristol and getting the train into Bath as Bristol is so much better for all kinds of night time action than Bath is - restaurants, bars, atmosphere.

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2572 posts

I'm in the planning stages of a similar trip and am considering Cambridge and Canterbury.

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104 posts

We were in England in May and early June for 3 weeks. We spent 4 nights in Bath (one was our arrival from U.S. night). We took a day trip from Bath to Wells to see the cathedral and then on to Glastonbury to visit the Abbey and climb the Glastonbury Tor. The bus from Bath to Wells takes about 1hr 20min and then Wells to Glastonbury is an additional 20min. It was one of our favorite days of the trip.
The only thing I would have done differently this day was stop at a grocery store in Glastonbury, grab some sandwiches and fruit and have lunch amid the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. We were there on a beautiful day and saw many people enjoying a picnic lunch on the grounds.

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550 posts

Portsmouth has the (mostly) outdoor Historic Dockyard. Trains easily connect Portsmouth to both Bath and London. Another idea is to visit Canterbury with a day trip to Dover Castle. Again, it's an easy trip from Canterbury back to London.

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4 posts

I would go to Canterbury for the cathedral and cool medieval town, stay the night there, and take a bus to Dover for the day. You can walk the climb from the station all the way to the castle and Dover castle is one that takes several hours. It also has a nice cafe with lunch options and plenty of seating. Dover is a can't-miss IMO. Canterbury is really great, too. I've been to both more than once in the 2 years I lived there as a mom of 3. Be sure you look into Premier Inn if you haven't already. Clean, no-nonsense hotel chain with a buffet breakfast worth the cost (it will keep you going till a late lunch or early dinner). Also Travelodge in the UK is not the same as the chain in the US. Not quite as a nice as Premier Inn but if you are on a budget, all of them I stayed in were clean and well appointed. Sometimes lacking in AC tho.