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Heathrow to NW3

Hi all:

Trying to figure out the best way to get from Heathrow to our flat, which is just 3 min. walk from Belsize Park Tube station. (in NW3 I think?)

2 adults 2 kids (10 and 12) arriving from US west coast, 9:20pm on a Saturday night in July.

We will have 7 day travelcards (I think) so we can just take tube. Looks like Heathrow on PIccadilly to Leicester Sq., then Northern to Belsize Park, at just over an hour. Cheap, just need to pay the upgrade. But kids might melt down...

Heathrow Express to Paddington (I think kids are free, so costs us 43 pounds) - but then looks like Paddington-Belsize Park is like 3 switches??? No thanks.

Maybe a taxi... but can't find a cost....

Or something like this? Says 46 pounds, way easier... how would I find a reputable service like this?

Kim :)

Posted by
357 posts

Use a car service. After a long flight, and arriving at night, with kids, that's what I would do. I have used Simply Airports, but others recommend Just Airports, Blackberry Cars, and Exclusive airports. You can get quotes on each company's site.

The change at Leicester Square is horrible with luggage.

Posted by
33513 posts

a car service would be fine. Direct and easy.

But, I don't see the kids melting down on the tube. Of course you know your kids better than I. But there is so much to see, much of the ride is above ground, until you get to Earl's Court. Lots of different people to watch, advertising in the tube carriage, different accents, following the route on the map across from them, station after station all different.

Leicester Square can be difficult - it is old fashioned.

A change can be made much more easily at Kings Cross. There are lifts and the luggage can be moved without any steps. Make sure you are getting on a train for the Edgware Branch if you want to get off at Belsize Park (a very nice neighborhood).

Posted by
1008 posts

Only melting down because we will have just come all the way from San Francisco with little sleep.... usually I think they will love the tube! I am going to make them be in charge of reading the maps and figuring out which train we need. When we ride our trains here they are fascinated by the routes etc.... Plus when we came off in Munich last trip my older son is a touch motion sick, so he was feeling a little woozy after the flying and he really did not want to get on a train... I get woozy on trains too so I get it! :)


Posted by
9102 posts

9:20pm local time? Absolutely do the car hire. Worth the cost and convenience. Everyone Can enjoy the city lights as you are driven in comfort to your accommodation in Belize Park. You can then get settled and hopefully catch up on the sleep you didn't get on the plane. Can start your visit well rested the next morning. Who needs to spend hours navigating the tube at 10-11pm at night with children and luggage??? Once you've conquered riding the tube during your stay you can then enjoy the ride back to Heathrow on it for your flight home. In my book sometimes spending a little more cash makes life a bit easier. Have a wonderful trip. Kids will love it! Oh and GO GIANTS!

Posted by
33513 posts

Claudia wins - I had missed the after dark aspect.