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Has anyone tried to book free visit to Sky Garden?

Hi All,

as the free slots open up to 3 weeks in advance every Monday. Today I pay attention really closely since last time I check the slots seem to run out really quick. So almost every hour I check BUT still the slot for my intended date which should just available less than an hour ago has gone already! I check until 3rd of July, there're all gone.

How could this possibly happened? It feels like buying online tix for the Eiffel Tower which i understood why it's gone so quick but for this? I got the feeling that there are actually no free slots offered any longer perhaps.

Anyone in the same situation as mine?

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662 posts

I've just been on using that link and there are many many spots available for any day you like (during the week, not weekends). Maybe they are restricting tickets outside the UK. Make a booking at the Sky Pod Bar instead, you only need to get a coffee and a cake, then you'll have no problem booking. Not sure if a minimum spend applies. Good luck.

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464 posts

Hi Mike J,

That's another thought that came to mind as well. It might not be able to be seen from other countries. I live in Asia but I have access to Australian server too and when I check from that server, it's also showing no spot available. Which is a bit odd since we need passport to enter and it's not restricted to UK passports

Thanks for rectifying it for me. I might ask help from one of my accommodation then.


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662 posts

When i said restricting outside the UK, i meant numbers, so of the 100(?) spots available, maybe only 10 are allowed to be booked by people outside the UK, and hence they will go much quicker. I'm totally guessing here, no idea if that's a policy, but it wouldn't surprise me. On the basis that i could book quite happily for tomorrow, during the week, you may simply be able to book a slot when you're here. I'd forget weekends though, I have noticed a shortage there.

Also, if you're into Yoga, the Sky Garden sometimes run early morning Yoga classes before the Garden opens.

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33457 posts

Browser issue?

Interestingly, when I try from Chrome it shows fully booked instantly. When I go in from Edge it shows all sorts of availability, even today and tomorrow.

Methinks their Chrome code is broken.

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464 posts

I eventually manage to book the slots. How..apparently my hubby has access to UK server so he booked via that server. There are lots of slots still available 50+ for our intended time. At first I agree with Mike J , they allotted a number of slots for outside UK visitors but then Nigel is within UK and different browsers show different results. I don't know how it happens but to have a compatibility issue is unlikely as well. Their reputation and fancy website shouldn't have that issue. Anyway problem solved for me. Thanks Guys

Hi Mike J
thanks for the yoga tips. i do love yoga :) the other yoga event that i stumbled upon and really interested in joining in if not because of the date is the yoga in Tower Bridge's glassfloor walkways! i'd definitely join that one if i were still in London.. too bad :(

Hi Nigel,
i rushed opening my Edge after reading ur post. it's still showing no spots on my side. i've tried all other browsers i have , none works still. i've contacted their customer service since it seems they're not aware of the issue as well. i guess there's incompatibality issue with their website.

Posted by
662 posts

Glad you got it sorted. I'm using Chrome just for info, works fine.