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Harry Potter Warner Bros.Studio Tour--self-guided or group tour?

I plan to go to the Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studio Tour with my daughter. (We'll be staying in London's Pimlico area.) I have seen that one can book tours of the Harry Potter studios via a bus to the studio in Watford, but it's not clear to me if this includes guides in the studio or if everyone, no matter how they get there, gets through the studio using the digital or print guides. Does anyone know? I believe Golden Tours is the preferred tour service but others exist as well. If all use the same way to get around (not person guiding), I am guessing it's not worth the extra cost of the organized tour, but I would love to hear if that is the case from those who have gone either with or without a tour bus from London. Also, how helpful are the digital guide and the souvenir guidebook? Is the souvenir guidebook sufficient for details about each part of the exhibit? If you took a 13-year-old who enjoyed Harry Potter but wasn't obsessive about the movies, would the digital guide be overkill?

Also, does anyone know if the following information from a reply to another post from 2017 (thanks Nigel) regarding trains to Watford is still accurate? How long is the train ride?

[[from a post in 2017 regarding travel:]]

Use London Midland trains which are scheduled to stop at Watford Junction

((this only applies to London Midland trains, Virgin trains at similar times and/or to similar destinations or stops do not serve local passengers between London and Watford Junction))

Check the screens at Euston to find the trains I talk about below. References to the platform numbers is giving the platform that they arrive on at Watford junction.

most Tring trains go at about xx:34 or xx:05 and usually call at (sometimes Wembley Central), Harrow and Wealdstone, Bushey, and platform 8 at Watford Junction.

most Milton Keynes trains at xx:24 are first stop Watford Junction platform 8.

most Birmingham trains at about xx:49 are first stop Watford Junction on platform 6 (the fast line).

most Northampton trains at xx:54 are first stop Watford Junction on platform 8.

At rush hour 4:30 to 7:00 pm there are some extra trains. The line is extremely busy and standing room (very tight standing room) to Watford Junction at rush hour and I strongly advise against traveling at that time.

Don't board the xx:13 to Birmingham or Northampton or xx:46 to Crewe because they don't stop at Watford Junction.

When you get to Watford Junction go outside the station and cross the forecourt to bus stop "D" where the well labeled stop is where the Knight Bus stops. You can't miss it.

Thanks in advance!

Posted by
404 posts

I've been to the Studios under my own steam. I can't imagine that there are guided tours but if there are they wouldn't be very satisfying because there's so much to see that you really want the freedom to go at your own pace. i think the only advantage of a tour might be that they secure tickets in advance that might be sold out if you don't prebookmseveral months in advance. You enter the tour in a group of about 150 and all watch a short film together, then a guide takes you into the Great Hall, says a few words and then off you go into the main exhibits. Obviously these are film sets so you'll get most out of it having seen them.

Posted by
34545 posts

The only change is that the gang running the trains has changed so it is no longer London Midland (sad) and is now London Northwestern.

Same trains, same staff, same stopping patterns, virtually the same departure times, same running times. Different uniforms. Different paint (well, vinyl) on the trains.

Posted by
357 posts

I found the digital guide very useful and informative. It explains the concepts/ideas/background of what you are looking at.

Posted by
5822 posts

I agree that travelling to and from Watford on your own is the way to go. Very easy to do, and you can use your Oyster card to pay for it. The tour companies are only providing tickets and transportation; a convenience that comes with a hefty markup in price. This, however, may be your only recourse if tickets have already sold out for the time you will be in London.

We bought neither the digital guide nor the souvenir book ; we just used the map/guide that is provided to everyone entering.

Posted by
980 posts

I'm not sure how complicated the train is from Euston Station to Watford Junction but I have friends (who travel abroad frequently/mom is a travel agent). Apparently, they took a slow train by accident and Warner Bros turned out to be a looong all-day affair. I've read online Warner Bros Tours are supposed to be:

1 hour total travel time (including tube to Euston Station, train to Watford Junction, shuttle to Warner Bros)
3 1/2-4 hours at Studio
1 hour travel time back

I also have read that the Midland trains are 5.50 off-peak and 8.80 peak travel each way. You can just tap in and out with your Oyster Card.

Last, there is a Euston Square station and a Euston Station. The train to Watford Junction leaves from Euston Station, which is a train station. I didn't realize there are two different train services (Virgin and Midland) that go to Watford Junction.

Posted by
1008 posts

The train on one's own is very easy, and the digital guide is wonderful. At every exhibit there are videos about how things are created. The hardest part for me was slowing down my 10yo traveling companion so I had time to watch some of the videos. And I'm his grandmother and went knowing almost nothing about HP. Loved it!

Posted by
34545 posts

Don't get on a Virgin. They do not provide service between Watford Junction and Euston. The northbound at Watford Junction is for boarding passengers only, not for setting down. The southbound is for setting down only, not boarding. The doors will be closed as soon as the proper procedure is complete regardless if people are trying the one not approved.

Also, no ticket valid between Watford Junction and Euston is valid on Virgin trains - leaving you open to a large fine.

Just take the London Northwestern Rwy ones listed above and don't worry.

Posted by
9075 posts

I just wanted to mention that there will be no trains from Euston Station over Easter Weekend if that happened to be the time you were thinking of going.

Posted by
28 posts

Thanks all for the helpful replies. Nigel, your advice and insights are indispensible. CaliMom--thanks for the overview of timing. I think we are in good shape for planning this as we won't be going until mid-August. Cheers!