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Fish and chips?

I'm in London right now and wondering if anyone has a recommendation for takeaway fish and chips in my area, which is sort of Lancaster Gate / Paddington.

Also, silly question, but how far would you risk walking with fish and chips? That is, what's the breaking point between the food still being hot and crispy or lukewarm and slightly soggy? I'm thinking ten minutes might be the absolute max.

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8892 posts

Assuming ur at 63 or nearby….See if Mickey’s Fish and Chips survived the lock down …..unfortunately you won’t be able saunter back before the food gets cold.

For a great meal head to Tudkin Flavors of Malaysia. Or head to the Victoria Paddington pub.

Posted by
6113 posts

Five minutes would be the maximum time I would want before it goes cold and soggy. Many places close Sunday evening.

I would look on Trip Advisor for recent recommendations that are within 5 minutes of wherever you are.

Posted by
232 posts

Sorry I think you’re probably already sorted by now, but yes Mickeys is a good suggestion. They’re definitely open and trading… as is Hobson’s, which is just by the big Waitrose on Porchester Terrace. Agreed, 10 mins is about the limit to dash home with them.

What did you decide in the end?

Posted by
914 posts

Thanks, all. I'm not at No. 63 but nearish. I wasn't looking to get f&c tonight (had a craving for gyoza), but will have a look at Mickey's and see if I can figure out how long the walking time would be.

Claudia, I've walked by Tukdin a few times. It seems really popular.

Posted by
11540 posts

Five minutes would be the maximum time I would want before it goes cold and soggy

So eating fish and chips is like a pie eating contest? Gobble it down as fast as possible?

Posted by
33339 posts

no, if you try to gobble the fish you will burn your mouth. No gobbling.

Think about what you have here. Deep fried fish (cod or haddock or plaice) in a batter which tries to come off, splashed (if you are a purist) with copious quantities of vinegar and and showered in salt, chips which get cold quickly by their very nature which have been treated with the same salt and vinegar which cools them more, bundled together in paper which keeps in the humidity but doesn't do much to keep in the heat, and then often dropped into a plastic carrier bag.

Yes, I agree, Fish and Chips is best in the first 5 minutes, 10 at the most. That's about how long it takes me to retrieve from my local merchant, Captain Nemo, up here in the Shires, and get home. I try to have a warmed plate to put it on. Cold chips are just a fact of life....

Posted by
15736 posts

For really good fish & chips I suggest a trip to Ainsworth's. Unfortunately it's in Caernarfon.

Seriously, I agree with everyone else in regards to timing. Fish & Chips gets cold fast. And it's not as good.

Posted by
914 posts

UPDATE: Since I ended up at Paddington Station around 5:00 p.m., I took a chance and went to Micky's. Got the medium fish meal (fish, chips, and a drink) for under ten pounds. In the interest of avoiding any sogginess, I sadly decided to forgo the vinegar. Got back to my flat in about seven minutes, though by the time I washed my hands and got everything situated, it was probably ten minutes before I actually started to eat. Still hot enough (for me, anyway; maybe not for purists!), an absolute boatload of chips, and if that was a medium piece of fish, I wonder what a large piece looks like -- it was pretty big. The chips were a teensy bit floppy but still pretty tasty.

So I'm happy. Good recommendation, Claudia!

Posted by
8892 posts

Happy it worked out!

Really should try Tudkin as well. Really good food!

And as noted very good pub grub and atmosphere at the Victoria Paddington Pub as well as the Mitre Paddington.

Enjoy your stay.

Posted by
3824 posts

Teresa, if you want another really good fish and chips meal, I can recommend SeaShells of Lisson Grove, at 49-51 Lisson Grove and corner of Shroton St. You may as well eat in (to make sure the fish and chips are hot) as they have a lovely dining room with black and white tile, sort of 1950's style.
Excellent fish and chips, and you can get the fish baked instead of fried. For those of us who have been chastised by our doctors for eating fried foods, that's a welcome option.
Not expensive. Very informal.