Since your wife will be a first time visitor, I think her excitement will be building on the flight over. When you guys get off the plane, she will have that "I'm really in England! I'm really here!" feeling. That kind of excitement really calls for London to be your first stop. Your wife will be so excited to see Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace out the window of a taxi or a bus (or on a walk) the first day. It's really the maximum effect of "Wow!" in my opinion. Follow up with a visit to The Tower Of London, the British Museum and Westminster Abbey on the second day because it really gets you in the "history of England mood", if she likes history. Third day, maybe a trip out to Windsor Castle (or Hampton Court Palace if she is interested in Henry the 8th and the Tudor period), then back to London for some walks around the city or along the river. The Victoria And Albert Museum is a museum she may enjoy; filled with decorative historic objects and clothing. The Museum of London is great, with Roman mosaic tile floors from ancient Roman townhouses found in London. The National Portrait Gallery is great. Then, I'd leave London for a week, go to Yorkshire (don't miss York) and other places. Return to London and spend several days doing more restaurants, maybe a night at the theatre, shopping, take some walks around London just to see the architecture and cute neighborhoods like Chelsea. Have a look at This is the "London Walks" company, and they do themed guided walks all over London, plus day trips out of town with a guide.