In my experience looking at blogs, there are two types.
The first type is typically hosted by a traveler who writes. These are blogs that give tips, tricks, itinerary suggestions, and ideas for things to do in various places. These blogs often consist of lists, such as Top Ten ways to save money in England, or Best Cheap Hotels and Hostels in Berlin. Sometimes in these blogs you'll see two "opposite" lists, such as "What to do to avoid jet lag" and "What not to do if you want to avoid jet lag."
The other kind of travel blog is typically hosted by a writer who travels. These are more focused on telling stories and sharing experiences about travel. Sometimes these blogs also give advice, but if you're looking for tips, these aren't the blogs for you. These blogs will entertain you and perhaps inspire you.
If you are looking for new travel blogs, think about which kind fits your interests more, and seek those out.