We will be traveling on the Eurostar from London to Amsterdam & returning from Bruges back to London.
Some of us suffer from motion sickness and would obviously prefer to face the correct direction. I did the best that I could when booking our seats according to the Eurostar seating plan.
Then I got a bit worried when I went to http://www.seat61.com/London-to-Paris-by-train.htm and he says: "WARNING, incorrect direction of travel & window positions shown on Eurostar's online seat selection graphic. ... Be warned, at the time of writing there's an error on the Eurostar website when selecting a seat from their seat plan graphic, the direction of travel is wrong when booking a seat on a train heading towards London. Choose your seat from this accurate seating plan, not theirs."
Oh dear. So I contacted Eurostar and am waiting to hear from them. Does anyone know which site is accurate - seat61 or Eurostar? Any tips/suggestions? Thank you.