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England, Scotland, Ireland itinerary question

My husband and I are travelling for the month of July (5th-31). I have some itinerary questions and would love opinions please!

As of now we have booked London, Bath and York. Our itinerary is as follows:
June 5-10 London
June 10-12 Bath (including day trip to Stonehenge)
June 12-14 York

Now I would love thoughts on whether or not it's worth heading to North York Moors and Whitby. We are not seeing any coastal areas of England and we could add an extra day to do this or is it not worth it as we'll be heading to Scotland
We are not planning on driving in England, but will more than likely do so in Scotland and know we need to in Ireland.

Our loose itinerary for the remainder of the trip is as follows.

June 14-16 Edinburgh
June 17-20ish Drive around Scotland (Island of Skye for sure..still figuring out where else to go, do some whiskey tasting/tours)
June 20-30ish Ireland (kilkenny? Kinsale? Dingle? Galway? Dublin?)
June 31 Fly home from Dublin

Any thoughts about where else to go and possibly readjust time spent...I'm wondering if I should take some days from Ireland and put them towards Scotland. We enjoy hiking/adventures as well as museums. We've been to Italy so are used to doing museums and churches. Though I'm excited for more landscape scenery-it will be a nice change from the intense history lessons you experience in Italy..or so I imagine!
Thank you! :-)

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2586 posts

The North York Moors and Whitby are lovely and well worth visiting. I guess you have to decide if you have enough time to squeeze everything in. However, if you decide to do this a car would be best from York. You could keep it as you head to Edinburgh, which would allow you to visit Hadrian’s Wall or see the castles and coastline of Northumberland.

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6113 posts

The North York Moors, Whitby and Northumberland are some of my favourite areas in England, but are best seen by car. Eg Whitby is just over 1.25 hours driving but is on average 3 hours by train each way.

It will take you half a day to get from Bath to York, so you will only have one full day there before moving on to Edinburgh.

You are probably going to struggle at this late stage to find any accommodation on Skye, as most gets booked up months in advance. It takes ages to get round Skye as many of the roads are narrow, single track roads. Due to potentially low cloud and the weather, just visiting for a single day maybe disappointing - 3 days here would give you a chance at some better rainfree views.

You may want to consider the Glencoe/Fort William area as an alternative base and take a trip to the Ardnamurchan Peninsula - simply stunning. Personally, I would take a few days off Ireland and add them to Scotland, but it is a difficult decision, as you are trying to pack so much into your trip!

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2 posts

I think ten days is the least amount of time you should spend in Ireland. Our family trip (7 of us) found the following Rep. of Ireland itinerary highlights a wonderful mix of natural wonders, art, history and pubs.

3 days in Dublin: Lodged at Trinity College, visited Kilmainham Gaol, Guinness Tour, St. Stephen's Green
(Rented a van for rest of the time in Ireland)
Day 4 and 5: stopped at Kilkenny, toured Waterford factory and stayed at Waterford Castle
Days 6-8: stopped at The Rock of Cashel, County Tipperary on way to Dingel; stayed in a b&b in Dingel
Days 9-10: travelled to Cliffs of Mohr; stayed in Galway b&b

By the way, we found it very convenient to fly from the Shannon Airport to our next country, Norway.