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Many have said I should use London as my home base and venture out on various day trips. I do not want to drive, as I'm traveling alone and prefer to use other transportation. Can you suggest day trips from London? Tour is 7 days from 7/14 - 7/20.

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On a RS tour in July - one week in London. Planning to tack on another week or so after tour to explore English countryside. Seeking suggestions for (must see) towns to visit, whether it be south or north of London. If any lodging is recommended, all the better.

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9376 posts

Whitstable on the coast ( S West)
York and Durham ( North)
Bath ( East )

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6713 posts

Depending on your interests, you might consider:

Greenwich -- A short boat ride to the naval museum, observatory, Cutty Sark, and by now the Painted Hall restoration should be complete in the naval college.

Windsor -- A short train ride with a castle that combines antiquity and current-use splendor, plus the beautiful St. George's Chapel (where Harry and Meghan married last year) with many royal tombs. Plus nearby Eton if you want to see that.

Hampton Court -- A short train ride, longer boat option, home of Henry VIII and the later Stuarts, with distinct architectural styles.

Canterbury -- Train ride to one of England's most beautiful and historic cathedrals, in the medieval center of town.

Salisbury -- Ditto but the cathedral is outside the center in a meadow-like setting, also with an interesting museum. Stonehenge is nearby with frequent bus service.

Oxford or Cambridge (not both unless you really like universities) -- Each a train ride with beautiful architecture and fine museums.

Do they have to be day trips? Can you leave your bag with the hotel, pack a few overnight things, and spend a night elsewhere? If so, Canterbury, Salisbury, Oxford, or Cambridge would be more enjoyable with more time to explore. Bath would be another option with Roman ruins, a beautiful abbey in the center of town, and lots of Georgian architecture. So would Winchester, another cathedral town with lots of history, and Portsmouth, with a naval museum and historic ships.

It's hard to "explore the countryside" without a car. There are lots of local buses to small villages but you have to follow schedules and some are infrequent, limiting your flexibility.

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2078 posts

Frommers has a great book I recommend, "Best Day Trips from London."

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4725 posts

There are books on Amazon. However, I think you should take the train to York and spend a couple of nights(or more) there and see what day trips you can do by train. Bath would be another good place for day trips-you can take a Mad Max tour from Bath and also go to Salisbury on your own for a day. Both of those places are probably cheaper for hotels than London.

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3428 posts

Lots of easy day trips you can do by train! Some of my favorites- Windsor, Bath, Cardiff Wales, York, Brighton, Canterbury, Dover, Stratford-upon-Avon, Winchester. About 10 years ago, I wrote an article for AAA Carolina's "Go!" magazine on our favorite London locations and day trips. If you'd like to read it, private message me with your email and I'll send you a copy.

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3398 posts

Hatfield House near St. Albans...gorgeous stately home with amazing history.

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1878 posts

True countryside is difficult without a car. Day trip strategy out of London is also hard, because depending upon where you want to go the trains may leave from stations half way across town. Also, London lodging will be top dollar, so unless money is no object.. I have not visited Canterbury but have researched it a a lot, good base for day trip to Rye and Dover (for its castle, if you like that sort of think). You could go along the east-west corridor Bath-Salisbury or north south (York, even Lincoln for its castle an cathedral).

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28770 posts

While there are many practical day-trips from London, I'm another who has a problem with paying $$$ London hotel rates just to travel out of town repeatedly. I'd be much more inclined to pick a couple of smaller towns with attractive nearby options. I have done just that in Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Bristol and Brighton.

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15135 posts

I’d probably go with staying in various places as well. I think you get a better feel of a location than if you are day tripping from London.

Your interests might be different but for myself, I’d choose:

  • 2 nights in Salisbury using the full day to do a visit to Stonehenge and Old Sarum using the local bus company’s shuttle route

  • 3 nights in Bath using one of your full days to take a day trip to the Cotswolds with one if the small dat tour companies such as Mad Max. I can also easily spend 2 full days seeing things in Bath!

It’s an easy train journey to Salisbury from Waterloo station. I like to stay at Cathedral View B&B but I’ve also stayed at the Rose and Crown on an RS tour. Between Salisbury and Bath is also an easy train ride of about an hour.

I’d spend your last 2 or however many nights back in London finishing off the closer day trips and positioning yourself for departure.