I am going to be in London on Easter Sunday with my husband and 3 children (ages 20, 18, and 13). We would like to attend an Easter Service. We are Catholic but would attend any Christian service. Are any of the well know cathedrals open to the public, such as Westiminster Abbey ot St. Paul's cathedral?
We also thought an afternoon tea would be a good way to spend our Easter Sunday. Before I book this, are there any other events I should know about?
Thank you!
Westminster Cathedral, just down the street from the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey is the mother Church for the Catholic faith in England. Their Easter schedule of masses is at http://www.westminstercathedral.org.uk/masses.php?y=2014&m=4&d=20 comprising:
Sunday, 20th April 2014 - EASTER SUNDAY
08:00 Mass
09:00 Mass
10:00 Morning Prayer and Solemn Mass (Choir)
12:15 Mass (sung)
15:30 Solemn Vespers & Benediction (Choir)
17:30 Mass (sung)
19:00 Mass
St Pauls Cathedral has their Easter information at http://www.stpauls.co.uk/easter Read carefully the amended visiting hours around Lent and Easter. No sightseeing during the services.
All of Westminster Abbey's Holy Week and Easter services are at http://www.westminster-abbey.org/whats-on/easter
Near there is also Methodist Central Hall but I haven't looked up what they have on. I'm sure it would be special.
Thank you for the information.