Sunrise/Sunset in Edinburgh on Nov 1 is 7:19AM and 4:32 PM. That's nine hours of daylight.
The earliest flight from London City which is your best choice if staying in London since it is in town and leaves at 7 AM. It arrives at 8:15. You have to be at the airport no less than 60 - 90 minutes ahead of time plus travel time to the airport. You can figure on leaving your hotel no later than 5 am.
For your return, the latest flight back to LCY leaves EDI at 7:55 pm and arrives at 9:20 pm. You would need to leave Edinburgh no later than 5:30 pm to get back to the airport.
So, you would probably have been up and traveling for 18 hours before you returned to your hotel.
And how exhausted would you be the next day?
Save Edinburgh, and Scotland, for another trip when you can give it the time it deserves.