For anyone living in the UK, you may more info and a source to check into as our travel dates get closer.
We are booking flights using American miles from FCO (Rome) to SJC (San Jose, CA) through LHR for next month. Assuming neither flight is cancelled, 3+ hours looks like plenty of time for connection.
In the event the LHR-SJC flight is cancelled, we’d have to catch a flight from Rome the day before to catch the flight to SFO the following day. So here’s the question. If we spend the night at a hotel at or near the airport, are there any current COVID restrictions or regulations that would prevent us from going through immigration and leaving airside terminal for the night. Obviously quarantine wouldn’t be an option. Any advice is appreciated.
(Barley will be flying from Rome as Cargo on KLM, then onward to SFO.)